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50 Persen Bus Angkutan Lebaran Tak Laik Jalan

"Saya sekali lagi minta petugas untuk benar-benar menjalankan tugas dengan penuh tanggungjawab demi kelancaran arus mudik Lebaran dan balik Lebaran menggunakan jasa transportasi darat," SEBANYAK 50 Persen Bus Angkutan Lebaran Tak Laik Jalan . Fenomena temuan bus tak laik jalan tetap beroperasi selalu ditemukan saat Lebaran. Jelang Lebaran 2016 , di berbagai daerah di Indonesia juga kembali diwarnai temuan semacam ini. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan, kondisi tak laik terutama pada armada bus, yaitu 50 persen dari jumlah keseluruhan tidak laik untuk angkutan lebaran. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, Menteri Perhubungan Ignasius Jonan dan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Darat Pudji Hartanto Iskandar melakukan pertemuan dengan semua perusahaan bus. Pada intinya, perusahaan bus penyedia angkutan lebaran harus lebih dulu memperbaiki armada yang digunakan untuk mengangkut penumpang baik saat mudik maupun balik. VIDEO Penumpang Kecewa Polisi Tahan Bus Tak...

Bersepeda dan Jalan-jalan Bareng "Si Konyil"

"Usia dua tahun, si konyil ini nyatanya benar-benar antusias menaiki sepeda kecilnya. Di atas roda tiga mini ala sinchan yang saya beli dari toko sepeda seharga Rp 160 ribuan, dia berani berdiri bak freestyle Rider. Padahal mengayuh saja belum kuat, hahah..." BERMAIN sepeda bersama si kecil bisa menjadi pilihan cara berwisata kecil-kecilan, traveling, atau paling tidak sebutlah sekadar Jalan-jalan Bareng Si Kecil di lingkungan sekitar. Kalau kamu tipikal orang tua yang bekerja fulltime, bisa jadi kamu akan merasakan betapa berharganya waktu singkat itu bersama keluarga, terutama anak. youtube image Apalagi kalau si anak mulai gemar atau tertarik memainkan hape seperti halnya yang dilakukan anak-anak lain di sekitarnya. Belum lagi kalau anggota keluarga lainnya mulai mantengi sinetron yang menghabiskan waktu seharian seperti uttaran. Apakan kamu tipikal orang tua yang penuh kecemasan dengan kondisi yang anda pikir itu kontraproduktif terhadap pertumbuhan si kecil...

Sport Jantung di Terowongan Emas Perbukitan Menoreh

Berada di dalam perut bumi di perbukitan menoreh yang terkenal rawan longsor itu pastinya bikin deg-degan  alias sport jantung kan, lur? PERNAH coba? ...susur TEROWONGAN di perut bumi perbukitan menoreh! Wah..., setelah sekian lama saya tidak update posting di sini, kali ini saya punya sharing pengalaman jalan-jalan alias Traveling yang ekstrim nih, lur; menyusur terowongan di perut bumi perbukitan menoreh Kulonprogo yang panjang dan dalamnya puluhan meter. Berada di perut bumi di perbukitan menoreh yang dikenal rawan longsor pastinya bikin deg-degan alias sport jantung kan, lur? #ha Tapi kemudian jadi tau.. Perbukitan ‪‎ Kulonprogo‬ ternyata tidak hanya kaya akan hasil bumi seperti teh, kopi, gula jawa/semut, ato tambang pasir, batuan dan batu andesit yang belakangan ngehits (lokalan siih) karena dampak kerusakan jalurnya 'mbleduki' warga lan soyo nggronjal... Selain juga ada mangaan yang melegenda sejak zaman Kolonial Belanda, perut bumi perbukitan menoreh men...

Are you a solo traveller? Here is the tips

"Find some new friends and do more interact with them can be wonderful moment of life" Decide your own wonderful experiences on solo traveling. Find some new friends and do more interact with them can be wonderful moment of life. Yes, solo traveling considered as thing you should do at least once in life. unthaidcom image Anyway, don't forget to make good preparations when doing solo traveling. The important one, keep your family have the copy of your schedule in order to track easily when something goes wrong. Here are five tips doing solo traveling ( solo travel ): First . Of course you have to create a list of schedules and give copies to your family or friends. Tell them if there it is important that family or friends keep track of your existence and position if something unexpected goes wrong. Second . Save money in a safe and secret place. Keep money in safe places, including bank cards. Do not show all the money, don't count them in front of stran...

New Yogyakarta International Airport to Boost The Tourism - Economy

bpmpt kp CITIZENANGLE -Visiting Yogyakarta, travelers would like to find its paradise of the java island in Indonesia. The center of ancient Mataram Kingdom was here on thousand years ago. Borobudur as the biggest Buddhist temple, Prambanan Temple, beautiful beach along the Hindia Ocean, and the sight and stories of Yogyakarta palace are the best references to become Travel  D estinations . Exploring the whole sides of Yogyakarta, travelers may have the natural sight of its local hospitality along the Malioboro and Traditional Market of Beringharjo. Even travelers can hike the ruins to Mount Merapi (Volcano) that had its eruption in 2010. Other destinations can be seen in the rural of the regions; Gunungkidul which now have Indrayanti Beach and Kulonprogo with Kalibiru Tourism Village. Yogyakarta becomes the most attractive destination today. The latest news mentioned that Adisutjipto International Airport in Yogyakarta now becomes one of the busiest airport in Indonesia. ...

Ruso Loco The Young World Traveler

"You're never alone.  You have nature, yourself, and God  and of course I meet a lot of people during my trip.  It's one of my biggest success in this life  that I have friends in more than 80 countries". ~Yasik Smirnoff ~ CITIZENANGLE -So many reasons why Travelers are more likely to be successful. One of them is because of travelers experience varying levels of stress routinely. They have experience tight flight connections, interrogations by border guards, and rude hotel staff can all cause ones nerves to fray. And now, it considered that the one who describes himself as the 'crazy Russian', Yasik Smirnoff, has experienced all of those levels of life. Beginning with getting divorced at an early age, he has racked up a staggering 107 countries on his travels over the past four years . Managing emotions, remain calm under pressure, getting self-awareness, and helps people moment by moment during his journey, devinitely brought him a happy lif...

Daftar Wisata Menarik Kalimantan (Kalimantan Travel Guide)

Borneo Extravaganza, Kalimantan Travel Guide CITIZENANGLE -Primadona wisata Indonesia barangkali bukan hanya Bali . Banyak daerah lain yang juga memiliki potensi untuk dieksplore lebih dalam, salah satunya adalah Kalimantan. Melalui pameran pariwisata Borneo Extravaganza 2015, Pemerintah RI bakal menghadirkan keunikan dan potensi wisata Borneo tersebut di Bandung Indah Plaza, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat pada 27-29 November 2015. Pameran ini bisa saja menjadi rujukan para Traveller baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Para pelancong yang hobi melakukan Travelling dengan destinasi wisata Indonesia akan berkenalan dengan keunikan batu permata, kerajinan tangan, obat tradisional, dan kesenian daerah melalui pameran ke tujuh tersebut. "Borneo Extravaganza sudah tiap tahun dilaksanakan. Dulunya dua tahun sekali," kata Assisten Deputi Pengembangan Segmen Pasar Personal Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Nusantara Kementerian Pariwisata, Raseno Arya, sebagaimana diberitak...

18 Students of Dominicus College in Nijmegen The Netherlands Play Gamelan in Kulonprogo

JAVANESE traditional music in Indonesia, named Gamelan , is now beginning to rarely favored the younger generation. However it's proved to be attractive to tourists or foreigners from European countries. Having schedule to travel to Kulonprogo Regency , about 18 students Dominicus College in Nijmegen, the Netherlands , visited Indonesia, especially Kulonprogo Regency. What do they do on those kinds of Travel Destination agenda? It's to know and practise Gamelan. It is on Thursday July 30, 2015, when the students being spent a week at Wild Rescue Center (WRC) Yogyakarta , take the time to visit the studio of Karawitan Lestari Budaya in Cumethuk RT 22 RW 11 Kedungsari Pengasih Kulonprogo. Not just to be a spectator, these students are even involved plays gamelan music. For some of them this is the first occasion. One of the students, Jimmy Banken , was deeply curious about the traditional gamelan music. Teens who used to play drums or percussion instruments have a different se...

The Progress of Kulonprogo International City Airport Development

STATE -owned airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I and the Yogyakarta administration will build a new airport in Temon in Kulonprogo regency, a Transportation Ministry official says. “Based on our feasibility study, Kulonprogo is the most suitable location for the new airport. The provincial government is currently waiting for a permit from the Transportation Ministry to start the master plan,” spokesman Merpin Butarbutar said. The company had previously considered building the province’s second airport in Sanden in Bantul regency. Merpin said that PT Angkasa Pura I was working with India’s GVK Power and Infrastructure to complete the airport feasibility study and master plan. “We are going to build the new airport on a 700-hectare plot that will be able to accommodate 6 million passengers,” he said. bpmptKP/image PT Angkasa Pura I would need at least Rp 1.2 trillion (US$127.2 million) investment to build the new airport, which would start some time next year, he added. Yogyakarta ...

The New Indonesia City Airport is Coming

bpmpt-kp/image This is the newest about Indonesia travel destination access for the world today. The central Indonesian government has indicated to build an airport ( City Airport ) with a 3,250 metre runway with 45 meters width and dual linear terminals to serve as an international gateway, in the Kulonprogo Regency. There is initial plan to provide facilities to serve up to 10 million passengers per year for 28 aircraft together. And the later expansions of the airport located in Temon District might accommodate up to 20 million passengers per year in phase-3. For realizing the plan, around 637 hectares of land is being set aside for the project. It is actually become PT Angkasa Pura I (API) plans to construct the proposed airport to replace the existing Yogyakarta Airport. The commission will complete construction in 2019.

Kalibiru Menoreh Mountains The Wonderful Indonesia Travel Destination

Have you ever heard about the sensation of fresh air, and natural-exotic scenery in Kulonprogo? Kalibiru Menoreh Mountains The Wonderful Indonesia Travel Destination. The name is Kalibiru. It's located at the Kalibiru Village, Hargowilis-Kokap, exactly at 450 meters above sea level of The Menoreh Maountains Kulonprogo DIY Indonesia. You can go to Kalibiru by a proper vehicle for the bumpy road conditions. You also have to prepare a healthy body condition due to a walk and trekking in Kalibiru need extra energy, as far as 2 to 5 kilometers. ilustrasi/ There are thousands of green plants grows in Kalibiru, such as jati trees, eucalyptus trees, cajuput trees, bamboo trees, and others. In addition to offering great natural charm, Kalibiru also offers trekking trip. reported that the trekking path is divided into 3 parts; the near path with 2-4 kilometers, the middle path with 3-4 kilometers, and long path with 4-5 kilometers. Just enjoy your experie...

Worldwide terror alert and Travel Warning

Some countries has realeased travel warning for their citizen abroad. Some because of terror alert, others are because of volcano activity and crime. Chicagotribune reported on January 9, some countries are US, South Africa, Russia, and India. Worldwide terror alert The updated a worldwide travel warning for Americans Jan 9 was from The U.S. State Department.It says because of the terrorist attack at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris. The conflict and attacks from terrorist groups was considered rising in days. And the warning indicated that the likelihood of another attack in Europe is a particular concern. The list of areas where tourists should use added caution are North Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. Tourists visiting South Africa during its peak travel season are warned it should be aware of potential power blackouts. Particularly it is in the Johannesburg area that may continue until March. Energy officials cited outdated power plants using coal for a decr...

Welcoming New International Airport - Travel to The Jewel of Java Indonesia

Such a good news comes from Indonesia, especially from the west of Yogyakarta. New International Airport will be built in this special regency. The central Indonesian government indicated the new airport for the Yogyakarta Special Region will be located in the Kulonprogo Regency. This plan could be a great chance for many travel ers in the world who like to travel and have holiday in Yogyakarta. Welcome by the new place, named Kulonprogo as the west gate of the Yogyakarta, your trip will be so different from the previous journey. The new airport is expected will be built with a 3,250 metre runway with 45 meters width and dual linear terminals, reported on Wikipedia. It is to serve as an international gateway. The initial plan is to provide facilities to serve up to 10 million passengers per year for 28 aircraft together. This new airport might accommodate up to 20 million passengers per year in phase-3. Now, in process that around 637 hectares of land is being set aside to ...

Bayi Mungil Terjebak Tabung Mesin Cuci

Seorang bayi akan sangat cepat mengenal lingkungan sekitarnya. Namun tanpa pengawasan, dia akan menganggap segala sesuatu yang ditemuinya sebagai mainan. Jika kita lalai, hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan pun kerap terjadi. Hal itu lah yang mungkin terjadi pada seorang bayi 2 tahun di China belum lama ini. Asyik bermain dengan mesin cuci, bayi perempuan itu malah terjebak di dalam tabungnya dan tidak bisa keluar. "Seorang bayi yang baru saja bisa berjalan terjebak di dalam mesin cuci," demikian yahoo memberitakan, Selasa (6/1/2015). Mungkin si bayi mengira mesin cuci itu adalah mainannya. Dengan pemikiran yang belum sempurna, bayi itu masuk dan asyik bermain. Namun ibunya menemukannya sudah tak lagi bisa keluar. Ibu tersebut lantas memanggil bantuan. Satu tim penyelamat pemadam datang. Mereka membutuhkan waktu lebih dari sejam untuk mengeluarkan bayi yang tetap tenang itu. Menggunakan tang dan gergaji mesin, para tim penyelamat harus membongkar dan me...

Pria Ini Tak Sadar Pisau Menancap di Kepala Selama Hampir 4 Jam

Oliveira, pria yang bekerja sebagai sopir taksi ini tidak menyadari bahwa sebuah pisau menancap di kepalanya telah selama hampir empat jam. Kejadian itu bermula saat pemilik nama lengkap Juacelo Nunes de Oliveira (39), asal Brasil, ini masuk ke sebuah bar di mana di dalamnya kemudian terjadi perkelahian. "Seorang pria tidak menyadari sebuah pisau menancap di kepalanya selama lebih dari tiga jam," demikian The Huffington Post menulisnya pada Minggu (4/1/2015). Disebutkan, Oliveira terlibat dalam pertengkaran di Agua Branca Minggu lalu. Di tempat itu, dia ditusuk empat kali oleh lawannya. Tiga kali tusukan mengenai tubuhnya hingga satu di antaranya melukai paru-paru. Satu tusukan lainnya mengenai kepalanya tembus ke rahang. Pascakejadian itu Oliveira dilarikan ke rumah sakit di Teresiana, lebih kurang jaraknya 62 mil dari lokasi kejadian. Dokter setempat yang menangani Oliveira mengatakan, pisau telah bersarang di kepalanya. Namun ternyata pria tersebut butuh lebih dar...

Travel Agents Slash Prices on Holidays in 2015

Travel Agents Slash Prices on Holidays in 2015 Because of low oil prices and global upturn, travel agents slash prices to sunshine destinations till Half-price holidays in 2015. On the summer holidays in 2015, it could cost just half as much as they did this year. It thanks to low oil prices and the global upturn, daily mail reported. It mentioned that the falling oil prices reducing airlines' fuel costs all mean the savings could last well into the summer. Because of that, it is expected people to start booking their holidays for 2015 as early as Boxing Day. There are some bargains that available, include huge savings on winter breaks to Florida. Other destinations country are Mexico and Greece, and Easter flights to Spain. The price are being cut to almost half price compared to this year's prices. Flights to Prague, Barcelona, Morocco, Portugal and Prague, can be saving include £50. According to The International Air Transport Association (IATA), daily mail reported, the...

Just Travel Around and Find Your Real Holiday - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Observing the environment around you could be the entertainment for a fun filled holiday. So, no need to walk away from your home. See and observe and discover unique things that are near you. Holiday trip or Travel did not have to be expensive and away from your home. Only with a little power even at no cost, you can find things that have been missed. If today is a holiday of Christmas and the new year, you can plan a few simple things. Holiday plans may be in the form of traveling that much or little to pay to go to the tourist attractions. But not always, it be satisfied that your fatigue during dwell in the work. Take once or two days, or even you want to fill your entire holiday to walk to the garden, to the fields, to the back of the house, to the side yard of your house. There are many things that may have gone unnoticed. For example, birds doings of behavior in twigs and branches that are feeding their children, ants who work together for the sake of finding and secur...

New Year Holiday Travel

The new year 2015 is coming while some preparation held to welcome the arrival of January 1, pass 2014. Mentioned that the new year is a good time to reflect on the past. Some people preparing the spirit to face challenges on to next year. Where and how to enjoy the holiday in Jogjakarta when new year is coming, there are so many favorite destinations. The magnificent Prambanan temple with beautiful architecture can be the first direct travelling. There also a spectacular Ramayana Ballet at Prambananin the night.   Before you go on welcoming new year, visiting Niagara Sri Gethuk can complete your trip to natural beaches in Gunungkidul, such as Indrayanti beach, Pok Tunggal with its photogenic iconic Tree of Duras. Some other places are Merapi lava tour, Cave Tubing in Gunungkidul Pindul. Willys jeep tour with lava at the foot of Merapi is the best option.

Travel to The Historical Landmark of Jogja (Yogyakarta)

TUGU JOGJA ... image/blogkotajogja Almost three centuries old keeps some history records of Yogyakarta, Monument Tugu Jogja still be the most favorite place to visit along day in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Monument Tugu Jogja even being the historical landmark of Jogja. Located in the centered of an intersection (Mangkubumi Street, Soedirman, AM Sangaji, and Diponegoro Street), Tugu Jogja was built at the early moment of the construction of Yogyakarta Kingdom. As the most identical site in Yogyakarta, so many visitor, travellers and university students come around the Tugu Jogja to express their happiness by taking some pictures. Tugu Jogja being one of so many tourism destination in Jogja. It is described the philosophy of the unity of God's creatures. Means that the spirit of togetherness of lay people and authorities to fight colonials. The spirit of togetherness, called golong gilig, realized and described in the construction of the monument. There is the pole is o...

Visiting Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta

Here we have a town that is a center of art and education, offers some good traveling , shopping and has a wide range of tourist facilities. This destination is Yogyakarta namely. It is a bustling town of some 500,000 people and the most popular tourist destination on Java. Yogyakarta considered as a major tourist destination in Indonesia. It is the capital city of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region which is in the southern part of the Central Java province, Indonesia. It is one of five districts within the semi-autonomous province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Well, this special status is thanks to the Sultanate of Hamengkubuwono, which has ruled the area since 1749 and steered the state through difficult times of occupation and revolution. Sultan Palace in Yogyakarta is a kingdom that began through time to time. A long time ago, Surakarta or Solo was the capital of Mataram Kingdom before 1755. Later on treaty of Giyanti in 1755, Mataram was devided into two kingdom...