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Showing posts with the label Phenomenon

Bayi Mungil Terjebak Tabung Mesin Cuci

Seorang bayi akan sangat cepat mengenal lingkungan sekitarnya. Namun tanpa pengawasan, dia akan menganggap segala sesuatu yang ditemuinya sebagai mainan. Jika kita lalai, hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan pun kerap terjadi. Hal itu lah yang mungkin terjadi pada seorang bayi 2 tahun di China belum lama ini. Asyik bermain dengan mesin cuci, bayi perempuan itu malah terjebak di dalam tabungnya dan tidak bisa keluar. "Seorang bayi yang baru saja bisa berjalan terjebak di dalam mesin cuci," demikian yahoo memberitakan, Selasa (6/1/2015). Mungkin si bayi mengira mesin cuci itu adalah mainannya. Dengan pemikiran yang belum sempurna, bayi itu masuk dan asyik bermain. Namun ibunya menemukannya sudah tak lagi bisa keluar. Ibu tersebut lantas memanggil bantuan. Satu tim penyelamat pemadam datang. Mereka membutuhkan waktu lebih dari sejam untuk mengeluarkan bayi yang tetap tenang itu. Menggunakan tang dan gergaji mesin, para tim penyelamat harus membongkar dan me...

Pencuri Telanjang di Bak Air Panas Nikmati Minuman Keras

Weird News | Phenomenon Seorang tersangka pencurian tertangkap polisi dalam keadaan telanjang dan sedang mandi di bak mandi air panas. Kejadian ini terbilang lucu dan langka. Pasalnya, kebanyakan pencuri ketika berhasil masuk rumah sasaran biasanya cepat-cepat beraksi mencuri barang atau uang yang diinginkan lalu segera kabur. Namun tidak demikian yang terjadi di rumah di Oregon. Sebagaimana dilaporkan theguardian pada Senin 5 Januari 2015, kepolisian setempat pada awalnya menerima panggilan 911 dari seorang perempuan di Keizer pada Minggu lalu. Perempuan itu telah terbangun dari tidurnya akibat suara dari ruang cuci di rumahnya. Merasa curiga, perempuan itu lalu melakukan cek ke ruang tersebut. Namun sebelum sampai mendekati ruangan, pintu ruang cuci tersebut seperti dibanting dari dalam. Seperti dilaporkan, wanita itu lantas mengambil sebilah pisau sembari menelepon polisi dan suaminya yang sedang berada di luar rumah. Polisi datang, dan masuk. Di dalam rumah itu polisi menemukan...

Many Shopping Centers Sprung Up Along The Positive Trend of Investment

A number of new malls and shopping centers have sprung up and fill density urban areas in Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta), especially the districts of Sleman and Yogyakarta. The face of the city classic culture in Java, Indonesia, turned into a metropolitan city. If formerly known Yogyakarta and surrounding areas with a strong historical heritage buildings and green areas tend to be dominant, now the city faces that reflect the urban lifestyle will begin to increasingly stand out, even in a rural area. The view which shows the changes in the city mirrors the lifestyle and culture of the new Society is seen from the rampant construction of high-rise buildings and shopping malls for example, as well as the hospitality that often tend to fill in the green region. Investors pushed choose suburb to expand its business, because the downtown area is already crowded. Yogyakarta became too crowded lately. City regions often experience traffic congestion as one of the founding effects malls and shopp...

Retail Trends Worldwide Phenomenon Humans have diverse needs. They want all the needs are met with ease. The last period, the online shopping phenomenon appears massive. However, in some areas still survive spending manually. Well, people decide where to live based on the shopping access. On the other hand, stores and retailers around the world will definitely consider their location based on the condition of the settlement. Condition of the settlement determine in which people will live, and at the location where the retailer will set up shop. This issue may not apply to online businesses. Online businesses can make people not want to go out shopping because all the goods are in front of them. There is exciting news regarding the influence of retail to property. It's been reviewed by nbr some time ago. The issue of where and how to spend money for shopping has become more complex. Mentioned that due to the rise of internet shopping and huge city fringe shopping centres...

Freedom Threat in The Future Internet Era Internet would be accessible to everyone around the world, no exception. But on the other hand this condition is expected to be a threat to the freedom of people to share information. It is based on expert research. Pressure to freedom of sharing information will appear on the governments in the global world. This can be a Phenomenon , and has happened in several countries recently. Latest News Updates on Internet usage mentioned that there is a new report predicts everyone all over the world will have Internet access in the next ten years but that global governments will pose a greater threat to freedom A study conducted by the Pew Research Center indicates that “experts” believe the whole world will be on the Internet by 2025. But all of the results from that study aren’t so rosy, as these experts also think people will be less able to share information freely over the Internet. Researchers polled over 1,400 experts about the Internet ’s future in the ...

Headhunters Story Phenomenon in Rural Indonesia They hunt down the head of their enemies, but was able to live peacefully with strangers. MARCO POLO, adventurers of Italy, could hardly believe what he saw in Perlak, in the north of Sumatra (Indonesia), in 1292. He saw people living in the mountains eating human flesh. Contrasts with the population living in cities Perlak, where people are more civilized, even after dealing with Islamic traders, they move from worshiping idols become followers of Muhammad's teachings. He wrote it in the account of the journey. He knew his record would be surprising, and perhaps not many people believed. Because of that, he gets sworn to convince readers. Phenomenon story of Headhunters was written by Hendaru Tri Hanggoro, a correspondent Historia - The first online history magazine in Indonesian that presented popularly. As in his article, stated, after five months later, Marco Polo towards Pidie, other northern regions of Sumatra. In this place, he ...

Ancaman Kelangkaan Sperma di Inggris

Inggris menghadapi kelangkaan sperma yang bisa membuat klinik-klinik kesuburan menerima sperma kualitas buruk, kata Masyarakat Kesuburan Inggris. Sejumlah klinik mengandalkan sperma impor untuk memenuhi permintaan. Sebagaimana Bank sperma, menurut ulasan Wikipedia, yaitu tempat yang melayani pembekuan dan penyimpanan sperma. Donor sperma akan disimpan dalam tabung pendingin berisi nitrogen cair dengan suhu 196 °C. Umumnya, sperma tersebut dapat disimpan selama lima tahun. Untuk menjadi donor sperma, laki-laki harus melewati uji kesehatan untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan menderita berbagai penyakit, seperti hepatitis, kanker, kesehatan jiwa, TBC, hingga HIV/AIDS. Uji kesehatan pendonor umumnya berlangsung selama enam minggu, kemudian baru dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan sampel sperma. Sperma hanya diterima bila dalam kondisi sehat dan memiliki jumlah minimal 20 juta sel per satu ml sperma. Sperma yang disimpan dalam bank sperma biasanya digunakan oleh pasangan yang tidak bisa memiliki ketu...