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Showing posts with the label Yogyakarta

Jogja Tourism - Find Your Best Corner to Visit When Stay in Special Region of Yogyakarta

Yogyakart,a City, as part of Special Region of Yogyakarta is also called as Jogja. As tourism city, there so many visitors from some countries like United States (US), Russia, Japan, Netherland, Germany, Swedia, Denmark, Italy, England, France, Belgium, China, and other countries around the world, Europe or Asia.  Jogja, this one of the oldest cities in Indonesia is known as a city that has many heritage buildings and monuments.  Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono's palace attraction is the number one must-see when you are in Special Region of Yogyakarta as Jogja Tourism.  The palace is known as Kraton Ngayogyakarta or Kraton or Sultan's Palace.  There are so many other heritage buildings from colonial era.  Some place that are located near Sultan's palace: BNI '46 building, Kantor Pos Besar (Central Post Office) building, and Bank Indonesia building. Others, there are landmarks and attractions in Ngayogyakarta as part of Jogja Tourism: 1. Tugu Monument that is located i...

Sport Jantung di Terowongan Emas Perbukitan Menoreh

Berada di dalam perut bumi di perbukitan menoreh yang terkenal rawan longsor itu pastinya bikin deg-degan  alias sport jantung kan, lur? PERNAH coba? ...susur TEROWONGAN di perut bumi perbukitan menoreh! Wah..., setelah sekian lama saya tidak update posting di sini, kali ini saya punya sharing pengalaman jalan-jalan alias Traveling yang ekstrim nih, lur; menyusur terowongan di perut bumi perbukitan menoreh Kulonprogo yang panjang dan dalamnya puluhan meter. Berada di perut bumi di perbukitan menoreh yang dikenal rawan longsor pastinya bikin deg-degan alias sport jantung kan, lur? #ha Tapi kemudian jadi tau.. Perbukitan ‪‎ Kulonprogo‬ ternyata tidak hanya kaya akan hasil bumi seperti teh, kopi, gula jawa/semut, ato tambang pasir, batuan dan batu andesit yang belakangan ngehits (lokalan siih) karena dampak kerusakan jalurnya 'mbleduki' warga lan soyo nggronjal... Selain juga ada mangaan yang melegenda sejak zaman Kolonial Belanda, perut bumi perbukitan menoreh men...

Studying Tropical Diseases in Indonesia

Dozens of students from 11 countries attending briefly in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta FKIK, Indonesia. Rector Prof Dr Bambang Cipto UMY said it earlier this week, Asri Medical Centre in Yogyakarta. Eleven countries sent representatives that students are Dutch, Czech Republic, England, Italy, Canada, South Korea, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, France, and Switzerland. They learn about Tropical Diseases in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta FKIK. Lecture conducted for 17 hours. Through the program ITMSS (International Tropical Medicine Summer School) foreign students will also be introduced to the Indonesian culture. Prof Dr Bambang expect, foreign students will get a new experience that can not be found in their home country, respectively. "Especially with regard to the disease and the treatment of tropical diseases," he said in the presence of the foreign students, the opening ...