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Showing posts with the label Tropical Diseases

Studying Tropical Diseases in Indonesia

Dozens of students from 11 countries attending briefly in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta FKIK, Indonesia. Rector Prof Dr Bambang Cipto UMY said it earlier this week, Asri Medical Centre in Yogyakarta. Eleven countries sent representatives that students are Dutch, Czech Republic, England, Italy, Canada, South Korea, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, France, and Switzerland. They learn about Tropical Diseases in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta FKIK. Lecture conducted for 17 hours. Through the program ITMSS (International Tropical Medicine Summer School) foreign students will also be introduced to the Indonesian culture. Prof Dr Bambang expect, foreign students will get a new experience that can not be found in their home country, respectively. "Especially with regard to the disease and the treatment of tropical diseases," he said in the presence of the foreign students, the opening ...