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Showing posts from July, 2014

Travel to Nusantara's Myriad Cultures

Indonesian archipelago is very attractive to adventurers and travelers. The country as a whole might be included in the list of world travel / travelers. Countries with populations separated on each one and the other islands but still one at once has a plurality in all aspects, including the myriad cultural. Quoting an article posted last year, Indonesia is referred to a state with myriad cultures. There are about 17,000 more, at least 8000 of them inhabited, with 300 to 400 languages. That is all contained in one country with myriad adventures. From the western tip of Sumatra to the eastern edge of Papua, this unique land offers endless exploration and infinite variety. ilustrasi R ich diversity The world's fourth most populated country - 245 million and counting - is a sultry kaleidoscope that runs along the equator for 5000km. It may well be the last great adventure on Earth. This nation defies homogenisation. It is a land of so many cultures, people...

Ox Cart Festival 2014 Coming Up - Yogyakarta, 23 - 24 August 2014

A cultural event named Cow/ Ox Carts Festival (FGS) held in 2013 (last year) was a unique cultural momentum that must be conserved in Yogyakarta. In 2014, a similar festival will be held. The committee has determined that the cultural event will be held on 23 - 24 August 2014 . The theme was Ox Carts Crossing The Age of 2014. The event was also to enliven the Independence Day and the anniversary of Sleman district 97th. The People and the community can enjoy for two days. The event will be exciting for tourist who Travel in Yogyakarta. In addition to the ox cart festival, this event will consist of a various exciting competitions. This event will reflect on the success of the Ox Carts Festival 2013 . COMPETITION OF OX CARTS MODIFICATION At the festival of this year, participants will compete to decorate, create additional accessories, patterns and motifs and modify the unique and unprecedented. The cart owners can collaborate with local artists of Yogyakarta. Through the ...

The Breakthrough of Travel World

Many People do like to travel . There are some reasons as people have their own purpose and motivation in life. Wikipedia mentions that reasons for traveling include recreation, tourism or vacationing, research travel for the gathering of information, for holiday to visit people, volunteer travel for charity, migration to begin life somewhere else, religious pilgrimages and mission trips, business travel, trade, commuting, and other reasons, such as to obtain health care or fleeing war or for the enjoyment of traveling. Travel may be so important thing to do by most people in the world today. Fatigue due to office work, the complexity of life issues, and even travel as part of daily activities, making travel is needed.  a tourist looking for a ride on a pedicab around Malioboro, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in her travel time Specifically, the motive of doing some travel include pleasure, relaxation, discovery and exploration, getting to know other cultures and taking personal ...

Travel World - Nglambor Beach, Hidden Paradise to Snorkel

kompasiana-image Indonesia is an archipelago. Indonesia has many beach that attractive to visit. Bali is a famous one which has many attractive beaches. In Java, there are many beaches that also interesting. However, many of the beaches in Java seem to have a similar view. Panoramic sunrise and sunset become a mainstay. On the other hand, the cleanliness and maintenance is still less than the maximum. Human touch to make it a commercial beaches just makes it even more dirty and degraded nature. Only a few beaches that still looks natural. One is Coast Nglambor in District Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. People say, Nglambor Beach is still a hidden paradise. The beach is still virgin. Access to the beach does not have a good way. Nglambor, based on the author's experience, driveways and roads steep rocky shore. In the night, the road and the beach does not have lighting. Nglambor beach located between Beach and Siung The exact location is in the V...

Gempa Pacitan 5,6 SR: Aktivitas Subduksi Lempeng Benua Eurasia dan Samudera Indo-Australia

News Update kali ini soal Gempa di wilayah Pacitan dan sekitarnya. Gempa 5,6 SR mengguncang wilayah Pacitan Jawa Timur (Indonesia) dan sekitarnya beberapa menit lalu. Gempa juga dirasakan masyarakat di wilayah Yogyakarta sekitar pukul 12.05. Masyarakat langsung merespon pengalaman gempa tersebut dengan menyiarkannya melalui berbagai media sosial. Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas BNPB, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, mengirimkan rilisnya beberapa menit pascagempa. Berdasarkan informasi BMKG gempa 5,6 SR pada Senin (14-7-2014) pukul 12.05 Wib berada pada lokasi 104 km tenggara Pacitan atau 109 km barat data Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. Pusat gempa berada di Samudera Hindia pada kedalaman 10 km. Gempa tidak berpotensi tsunami. Badan Geologi Amerika (USGS) mencatat gempa 5,7 SR pada kedalaman 59,5 km. Berdasarkan peta guncangan gempa, daerah di sekitar Pacitan hanya berskala IV MMI (Modified Mercali Intensity) atau ringan. Kejadian gempa tersebut akibat dari aktivitas subduksi yang terbent...

Found Dead in The Death Valley, David "Dave" Legeno: "To Strive, To Seek, To Find and Not To Yield" David " Dave " Legeno's Goal : "To Strive, To Seek, To Find and Not To Yield" Harry Potter actor who appeared as werewolf Fenrir Greyback in three movies, including both Deathly Hallows films, Dave Legeno (50), been found dead in Death Valley, a remote part of California. Dave Legeno, whom mixed martial arts fighter, was found by hikers on Sunday and his body was recovered by helicopter. As reported by BBC , there were no signs of foul play and it is believed he died from the heat. it is an initial coroner's examination found. British news portal dailymail reported that The Inyo County Sheriff's Department in California had done the autopsy. The Inyo County Sheriff's Department told that Dave died of heat stroke. It is thought his body may have been there for three or four days before he was found. Temperatures in Death Valley are known to reach more than 120 degrees. The Mixed Martial Arts star leaves behind a daughter ...

Many Shopping Centers Sprung Up Along The Positive Trend of Investment

A number of new malls and shopping centers have sprung up and fill density urban areas in Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta), especially the districts of Sleman and Yogyakarta. The face of the city classic culture in Java, Indonesia, turned into a metropolitan city. If formerly known Yogyakarta and surrounding areas with a strong historical heritage buildings and green areas tend to be dominant, now the city faces that reflect the urban lifestyle will begin to increasingly stand out, even in a rural area. The view which shows the changes in the city mirrors the lifestyle and culture of the new Society is seen from the rampant construction of high-rise buildings and shopping malls for example, as well as the hospitality that often tend to fill in the green region. Investors pushed choose suburb to expand its business, because the downtown area is already crowded. Yogyakarta became too crowded lately. City regions often experience traffic congestion as one of the founding effects malls and shopp...

Retail Trends Worldwide Phenomenon Humans have diverse needs. They want all the needs are met with ease. The last period, the online shopping phenomenon appears massive. However, in some areas still survive spending manually. Well, people decide where to live based on the shopping access. On the other hand, stores and retailers around the world will definitely consider their location based on the condition of the settlement. Condition of the settlement determine in which people will live, and at the location where the retailer will set up shop. This issue may not apply to online businesses. Online businesses can make people not want to go out shopping because all the goods are in front of them. There is exciting news regarding the influence of retail to property. It's been reviewed by nbr some time ago. The issue of where and how to spend money for shopping has become more complex. Mentioned that due to the rise of internet shopping and huge city fringe shopping centres...

Freedom Threat in The Future Internet Era Internet would be accessible to everyone around the world, no exception. But on the other hand this condition is expected to be a threat to the freedom of people to share information. It is based on expert research. Pressure to freedom of sharing information will appear on the governments in the global world. This can be a Phenomenon , and has happened in several countries recently. Latest News Updates on Internet usage mentioned that there is a new report predicts everyone all over the world will have Internet access in the next ten years but that global governments will pose a greater threat to freedom A study conducted by the Pew Research Center indicates that “experts” believe the whole world will be on the Internet by 2025. But all of the results from that study aren’t so rosy, as these experts also think people will be less able to share information freely over the Internet. Researchers polled over 1,400 experts about the Internet ’s future in the ...

Headhunters Story Phenomenon in Rural Indonesia They hunt down the head of their enemies, but was able to live peacefully with strangers. MARCO POLO, adventurers of Italy, could hardly believe what he saw in Perlak, in the north of Sumatra (Indonesia), in 1292. He saw people living in the mountains eating human flesh. Contrasts with the population living in cities Perlak, where people are more civilized, even after dealing with Islamic traders, they move from worshiping idols become followers of Muhammad's teachings. He wrote it in the account of the journey. He knew his record would be surprising, and perhaps not many people believed. Because of that, he gets sworn to convince readers. Phenomenon story of Headhunters was written by Hendaru Tri Hanggoro, a correspondent Historia - The first online history magazine in Indonesian that presented popularly. As in his article, stated, after five months later, Marco Polo towards Pidie, other northern regions of Sumatra. In this place, he ...

Press Freedom in The Grip of The Two Presidential Candidates Press Freedom in The Grip of The Two Presidential Candidates About freedom of the press in Indonesia has been in the media spotlight abroad. One of these media in Japan which called the press in Indonesia is far from freedom because the issue of the Presidential Election . As reported correspondent in Tokyo, Japanese media currently quipped as no press freedom in Indonesia as a result of a presidential candidate at this time there are two camps. Comments made ​​an Indonesian TV media headlines Jiji news agency on Wednesday (07/02/2014) that the media in Indonesia is now split in two, and there is no freedom of the press. Jiji wrote, "In today's Indonesian presidential election, two candidates played a similar game, making the abnormal situation that affects almost all news television station candidates respectively. Includes stories about the campaign is also split into two camps. Regulatory agencies required to fix the defle...

Pesepeda Satu Tangan Kena Denda - Diskriminasi Peraturan

Seorang pria bertangan satu mendapat denda dari Kepolisian di Jerman karena sepedanya hanya dilengkapi dengan satu rem, bukan dua rem seperti ditetapkan dalam peraturan. Perlakuan kepolisian tersebut sempat membuat pria yang bernama Bogdan Ionescu ini frustrasi karena merasa diperlakukan diskriminatif. Dalam kondisi bertangan satu, dia tidak mungkin dapat menggunakan dua rem sebagaimana ada dalam peraturan. Pengalamannya itu kemudian dia laporkan ke kantor polisi setempat. Kepolisian Jerman kemudian meminta maaf kepadanya. Kejadian yang menimpa Bogdan Ionescu, karyawan teater di Jerman, ini barangkali patut menjadi bahan pembelajaran bagi siapapun, pemerintah maupun pejabat berwenang, berkaitan dengan penerapan peraturan. Peraturan memang semestinya ditaati. Namun jika penerapannya tak lagi relevan dengan siapa dan dalam kondisi bagaimana objek atau manusia yang diaturnya, tentu akan menimbulkan masalah. Bogdan mengalaminya tiga bulan lalu. Karyawan teater di Jerman ini dikenai dend...

Studying Tropical Diseases in Indonesia

Dozens of students from 11 countries attending briefly in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta FKIK, Indonesia. Rector Prof Dr Bambang Cipto UMY said it earlier this week, Asri Medical Centre in Yogyakarta. Eleven countries sent representatives that students are Dutch, Czech Republic, England, Italy, Canada, South Korea, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, France, and Switzerland. They learn about Tropical Diseases in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta FKIK. Lecture conducted for 17 hours. Through the program ITMSS (International Tropical Medicine Summer School) foreign students will also be introduced to the Indonesian culture. Prof Dr Bambang expect, foreign students will get a new experience that can not be found in their home country, respectively. "Especially with regard to the disease and the treatment of tropical diseases," he said in the presence of the foreign students, the opening ...