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The New Indonesia City Airport is Coming

bpmpt-kp/image This is the newest about Indonesia travel destination access for the world today. The central Indonesian government has indicated to build an airport ( City Airport ) with a 3,250 metre runway with 45 meters width and dual linear terminals to serve as an international gateway, in the Kulonprogo Regency. There is initial plan to provide facilities to serve up to 10 million passengers per year for 28 aircraft together. And the later expansions of the airport located in Temon District might accommodate up to 20 million passengers per year in phase-3. For realizing the plan, around 637 hectares of land is being set aside for the project. It is actually become PT Angkasa Pura I (API) plans to construct the proposed airport to replace the existing Yogyakarta Airport. The commission will complete construction in 2019.

Kalibiru Menoreh Mountains The Wonderful Indonesia Travel Destination

Have you ever heard about the sensation of fresh air, and natural-exotic scenery in Kulonprogo? Kalibiru Menoreh Mountains The Wonderful Indonesia Travel Destination. The name is Kalibiru. It's located at the Kalibiru Village, Hargowilis-Kokap, exactly at 450 meters above sea level of The Menoreh Maountains Kulonprogo DIY Indonesia. You can go to Kalibiru by a proper vehicle for the bumpy road conditions. You also have to prepare a healthy body condition due to a walk and trekking in Kalibiru need extra energy, as far as 2 to 5 kilometers. ilustrasi/ There are thousands of green plants grows in Kalibiru, such as jati trees, eucalyptus trees, cajuput trees, bamboo trees, and others. In addition to offering great natural charm, Kalibiru also offers trekking trip. reported that the trekking path is divided into 3 parts; the near path with 2-4 kilometers, the middle path with 3-4 kilometers, and long path with 4-5 kilometers. Just enjoy your experie...

Worldwide terror alert and Travel Warning

Some countries has realeased travel warning for their citizen abroad. Some because of terror alert, others are because of volcano activity and crime. Chicagotribune reported on January 9, some countries are US, South Africa, Russia, and India. Worldwide terror alert The updated a worldwide travel warning for Americans Jan 9 was from The U.S. State Department.It says because of the terrorist attack at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris. The conflict and attacks from terrorist groups was considered rising in days. And the warning indicated that the likelihood of another attack in Europe is a particular concern. The list of areas where tourists should use added caution are North Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. Tourists visiting South Africa during its peak travel season are warned it should be aware of potential power blackouts. Particularly it is in the Johannesburg area that may continue until March. Energy officials cited outdated power plants using coal for a decr...

Rally Foto & Green Bike Challenge - Eksplorasi Seni dan Budaya Jogja

SCP Switch Asia Project mempersembahkan Rally Foto & Green Bike Challenge CLIMATE PIC: Eco Friendly Art Trip Minggu, 18 Januari 2015 Start pk 07.00 WIB dari Sangkring Art Space, Nitiprayan, Yogyakarta Rally foto bersepeda dengan tema 'Green Living' sambil mengeksplorasi seni dan budaya. Mari wujudkan Jogja Hijau Berbudaya. KETENTUAN UMUM: - Boleh diikuti fotografer amatir mau pun profesional. - Menggunakan kamera DSLR, kamera pocket. Kamera IPhone, HP dan sejenisnya tidak diperbolehkan. - Rally ini mewajibkan pesertanya naik sepeda. - Banyak aksi performance sepanjang rute. - Foto-foto terbaik akan dipamerkan. KONTRIBUSI: - Umum Rp 30.000,- - Pelajar & anggota HISFA Rp 15.000,- - Klub atau komunitas fotografi, daftar 5 sekaligus, gratis 1. FASILITAS: Buku soal rally, tshirt, tumbler, snack, isi ulang air minum gratis di tiap titik perhentian. PENDAFTARAN: 1. UFO UGM, Gelanggang Mahasiswa UGM, Bulaksumur. 2. Tirana House, Jl Suryodiningratan 55 Yogyakarta. 3. Fotkom ...

Welcoming New International Airport - Travel to The Jewel of Java Indonesia

Such a good news comes from Indonesia, especially from the west of Yogyakarta. New International Airport will be built in this special regency. The central Indonesian government indicated the new airport for the Yogyakarta Special Region will be located in the Kulonprogo Regency. This plan could be a great chance for many travel ers in the world who like to travel and have holiday in Yogyakarta. Welcome by the new place, named Kulonprogo as the west gate of the Yogyakarta, your trip will be so different from the previous journey. The new airport is expected will be built with a 3,250 metre runway with 45 meters width and dual linear terminals, reported on Wikipedia. It is to serve as an international gateway. The initial plan is to provide facilities to serve up to 10 million passengers per year for 28 aircraft together. This new airport might accommodate up to 20 million passengers per year in phase-3. Now, in process that around 637 hectares of land is being set aside to ...

Bayi Mungil Terjebak Tabung Mesin Cuci

Seorang bayi akan sangat cepat mengenal lingkungan sekitarnya. Namun tanpa pengawasan, dia akan menganggap segala sesuatu yang ditemuinya sebagai mainan. Jika kita lalai, hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan pun kerap terjadi. Hal itu lah yang mungkin terjadi pada seorang bayi 2 tahun di China belum lama ini. Asyik bermain dengan mesin cuci, bayi perempuan itu malah terjebak di dalam tabungnya dan tidak bisa keluar. "Seorang bayi yang baru saja bisa berjalan terjebak di dalam mesin cuci," demikian yahoo memberitakan, Selasa (6/1/2015). Mungkin si bayi mengira mesin cuci itu adalah mainannya. Dengan pemikiran yang belum sempurna, bayi itu masuk dan asyik bermain. Namun ibunya menemukannya sudah tak lagi bisa keluar. Ibu tersebut lantas memanggil bantuan. Satu tim penyelamat pemadam datang. Mereka membutuhkan waktu lebih dari sejam untuk mengeluarkan bayi yang tetap tenang itu. Menggunakan tang dan gergaji mesin, para tim penyelamat harus membongkar dan me...