The Benefits of Banana Stems: In Indonesia They Are Thrown Away, In US They Have A High Selling Value
Banana tree trunks are very much found in Indonesia. The trunk of a banana tree is also called 'debog' or 'gedebok' - in Javanese and Indonesian. For the people of Indonesia, banana tree trunks are usually not used.
After the bananas ripen and turn yellow on the tree and then harvested, the debok or banana tree trunk is usually just thrown away. The trunk of this tree will be cut into small and short sections, then discarded or left to rot in the garden.
But be prepared to think, Gedebok or banana tree trunks have many health benefits. Abroad, for example in the United States, banana tree trunks are priced at high prices.
The reason is the benefits of banana tree trunks or the properties and content in them can be used as medicinal ingredients and even consumed or eaten. The trunk of the banana tree turns out to have many benefits, as a medicinal herb and delicious food.
Based on information compiled from various sources, in America, United States (US), banana tree trunks are cut into small pieces, then packaged in plastic wrap and sold in supermarkets. At the Hornbill Asian Market, banana tree trunks are priced at least $5.95 or equivalent to Rp. 85,000.
Such a high price can be said to be fantastic and equal to the price of bananas. The reason, banana tree trunks have extraordinary benefits for the body. Well, here are the full benefits of banana tree trunks:
1. Treat infection
Banana plant stems are very rich in potassium and vitamins. This content is what makes the stems of this plant able to treat infections.
One type of infection that can be treated through banana tree juice is a urinary tract infection or UTI.
2. Treating kidney stones and UTI
Banana tree trunk juice will be even more nutritious if mixed with cardamom, the point is to relax the bladder and prevent kidney stones.
We can also drink banana tree trunk juice with a mixture of lime to prevent the formation of kidney stones. It also helps relieve pain and discomfort caused by UTIs.
3. Reduce stomach acid
When you wake up in the morning, stomach acid usually increases. To neutralize the stomach again, try to consume banana stem juice every day before breakfast.
This method is also very effective in preventing damage to the stomach wall.
4. Weight loss
Banana tree trunk juice which contains fiber also slows down the release of sugar and fat in the cells of the human body.
As a result, the banana tree trunk is able to increase the body's metabolism and the calorie content will also not make weight gain drastically.
5. Cure stomach acid
For people who have stomach problems or stomach acid, banana tree trunk juice can be an option as a natural medicinal herb.
Because banana stem juice is effective in helping regulate acid levels in the body and restore balance.
People with stomach acid will no longer feel a burning or burning stomach just by drinking banana tree trunk juice on a regular basis.
6. Stabilize blood sugar
Banana plant stems have a low glycemic content. That is, if consumed, the stem of this plant is able to prevent spikes in blood sugar.
For this reason, banana stems are often used as a mixture of diabetes herbal medicine.
7. Reducing puerperal fever
Not infrequently a woman will experience a fever during childbirth. To reduce this fever, we can take banana hearts. Grate the banana liver and use it as a compress.
This is because grated banana liver has cooling properties.
8. Treating chickenpox
Many believe that humans must have had chickenpox at least once in their life.
In fact, this is not necessarily true. Indeed, people who have had chickenpox are unlikely to have it again.
But that does not mean people who have never experienced water pickles will definitely experience it.
Get chickenpox or not, it depends on the strength of the immune system and also the cleanliness of the body.
However, even though this is true, there is no need to worry because chickenpox or commonly called cangkrang can be easily treated using banana stem weevil.
The trick, take banana hump water and mix it with pulosari stems and fennel. Boil this mixture to a boil and drink 2 times a day.
9. Detoxify the digestive system
Banana tree trunk juice can help remove toxins from the body and this natural ingredient is very effective in cleansing the digestive system that causes disease.
Because banana tree trunk juice helps facilitate bowel movements (BAB) and contains good fiber for the human intestine.
10. Control cholesterol and blood pressure
Banana tree trunk juice is also rich in vitamin B6 and iron which can increase the amount of hemoglobin in humans. In addition, this drink is also enriched with potassium which effectively controls cholesterol and high blood pressure.(*/)
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