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Menu for Breaking The Fast - Ramadan Culinary

Muslim world welcomes Ramadan . A variety of traditions do in this blessed month . Quite often synonymous with Ramadan typical culinary dish . Some areas in the archipelago of Indonesia has different traditions welcome Ramadan . Start of munggahan and cucurak in West Java until meugang of Aceh at the tip of Sumatra . Although diverse , distinctive food and drinks in Ramadan it seemed to be everyone's favorite menu ahead of fasting. The following menu is a favorite dish of drinks ahead of breaking the fast : 1 . Sweet Tea google image Referring to one hadith that explains that breaking the first sweet , then it is not wrong to drink sweet tea became a favorite dish ahead of fasting. The sweet tea is a drink made from sweetened tea solution , usually sugar cane , before the drink is ready to be served . Addition of sweeteners in hot water allows the tea solution capable of dissolvin...

No Alcohol for Pregnant Mother

It could be warning for pregnant mother. Australian scientists discover that babies whose mothers drink heavily during pregnancy are THREE times more likely to be born with impaired gross motor skills. Check out the following pointers as DailyMail reports: Study showed children exposed to alcohol in womb have problems with balance, coordination and balls skills Sydney University and George Institute led study reviewed past studies to see how child's gross motor might be affected Co-author Barbara Lucas said prenatal alcohol exposure could have long term consequences for babies Children who are diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder because their mothers drink excessively during pregnancy are at higher risk of having impaired gross motor skills, Sydney researchers found. The Sydney University and George Institute led study has shown children exposed to alcohol in the womb have problems with balance, coordination and ball skills. Barbara Lucas, study co-autho...

Ancaman Kelangkaan Sperma di Inggris

Inggris menghadapi kelangkaan sperma yang bisa membuat klinik-klinik kesuburan menerima sperma kualitas buruk, kata Masyarakat Kesuburan Inggris. Sejumlah klinik mengandalkan sperma impor untuk memenuhi permintaan. Sebagaimana Bank sperma, menurut ulasan Wikipedia, yaitu tempat yang melayani pembekuan dan penyimpanan sperma. Donor sperma akan disimpan dalam tabung pendingin berisi nitrogen cair dengan suhu 196 °C. Umumnya, sperma tersebut dapat disimpan selama lima tahun. Untuk menjadi donor sperma, laki-laki harus melewati uji kesehatan untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan menderita berbagai penyakit, seperti hepatitis, kanker, kesehatan jiwa, TBC, hingga HIV/AIDS. Uji kesehatan pendonor umumnya berlangsung selama enam minggu, kemudian baru dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan sampel sperma. Sperma hanya diterima bila dalam kondisi sehat dan memiliki jumlah minimal 20 juta sel per satu ml sperma. Sperma yang disimpan dalam bank sperma biasanya digunakan oleh pasangan yang tidak bisa memiliki ketu...

Some Mistakes In Financial Adjust

In certain circumstances, everyone can make mistakes in managing the Family Finances . Children can become priorities in expenditures. But it can also be a trap when should carefully manage finances. google image 1. Fund Children's Tuition Fund or Retirement? As a parent you want to facilitate a child with a decent education. Funding of education is higher, so you should be prepared early. On the other hand, do not let preparation college fund to make you forget to prepare your Retirement Fund . It is important for you to keep thinking about old age survival. Parents with a planned retirement means thinking about the future of the child. That's way you will not be burdensome life of the child. 2. Absent in the family's financial policy Many mothers who just set shopping and spending money everyday. They do not come to think of investment and family financial plan. Now, began to get involved! Most do not follow false advice. Typically strategic thinking, tactical and pr...

How To Organize Your Finances? - Save Your Family Finances!

Financial Problems do not always arise because of lack of income. It could be a problem arise due to wrong habits in managing finances. So, what should be done to save your family financially? 1. Collecting the ins and outs of your Family Finances . Know the contents of the savings, the amount of electricity bills, telephone, car services, shopping, doctor's office and other expenses. You have to know how much credit card debt, bank loan or mortgage and car. 2. Should be a financial plan or budget that is realistic. Realistic financial plan to help you be objective about excessive spending. Importantly, the budgeted amount is realistic and compliant with the budget. 3. Distinctly different needs and desires. Thus, it is important there is a table consisting of columns for shopping items, needs and desires. Based on the shopping list, determine which ones are and which ones just need the desire. Consider which should take precedence. 4. Not too often debt. Buy various i...

Mobil Pengaduan ORI Hadir di UNS - Adukan Keluhan Pelayanan Publik

Inilah Mobil Pengaduan ORI untuk pengaduan pelayanan publik di UNS Fisipol pada Selasa (24/6/2014) pukul 13.00 - selesai. Anda memiliki masalah atau keluhan berkaitan Pelayanan Publik ? Mungkin pelayanan Pengaduan Ombudsman Republik Indonesia (ORI) berikut dapat menjadi tempat yang cocok untuk mengeluarkan segala unek-unek anda. ORI Pusat dan ORI DIY  menerima aduan keluhan maladministrasi pelayanan publik, salah satunya dengan pelayanan Mobil Pengaduan ORI. Mobil Pengaduan Ombudsman Republik Indonesia (ORI) hadir di UNS Fisipol pada Selasa (24/6/2014) pukul 13.00 - selesai. Mahasiswa, warga Solo dan lainnya dapat berkonsultasi tentang pelayanan publik, tupoksi Ombudsman, dan melaporkan maladministrasi. Sebelumnya, pada Senin (23/6/2014), ORI Jakarta dan ORI DIY membuka Mobil Pengaduan keliling Kampus Universitas Mercubuana, sekitar pukul 14.00 - 16.00. Masyarakat hadir untuk berkonsultasi secara langsung dan atau menyampaikan pengaduan atas pelayanan publik yang bur...